Wednesday, November 26, 2014

"I am not asking to bed loved. I want to love."

"A pure act of love is its own reward, and needs nothing in return."—Richard Rohr, Meditation for November 26, 2014
I will not let you go unless you bless me.—Genesis 32:26

Monday, November 10, 2014

Elsa Kells Skinner

Birth place: Syracuse, NY.

Addresses: Albuquerque, NM

Profession: Painter, illustrator

Studied: Syracuse Univ. (B.F.A.); Univ. New Mexico with Randall Davey & Kenneth Adams; Rex Brant; Milford Zornes; Robert E. Wood Jr.; Bud Biggs; George Post.

Exhibited: Nat. Assn. Am. Penwomen Nat., Smithsonian Inst., Wash., DC, 1960; Mus. New Mexico Biennial, Santa Fe, 1963; Southwestern Regional, Oklahoma City, 1964; Reno (NV) Regional, 1965; El Paso (TX) Sun Carnival Nat., 1967; Wagon Trails Gal., Albuquerque, NM, 1970s. Awards: "The Humming-bird," first prize watercolor, 1962 & "Gold and Brown," first prize mixed & "The Creatures," first prize acrylic 1967, New Mexico State Fair; "Old Mine at Golden," first purchase award, City of Albuquerque, 1968.

Member: Southwestern WCS (mem. chmn., New Mexico Chapt., 1971-72).

Work: Old Mine at Golden, Albuquerque (NM) City Hall; Seminole Child, Bernalilo Co. Health Bldg, Albuquerque; Out Cerrillos Way, New Mexico Bank & Trust Co., Hobbs. Commissions: oil portrait of Onate, New Mexico Hist. Soc., New Mexico State Univ., Las Cruces.

Comments: Preferred media: watercolors. Positions: painter & designer, Charles Hall, NYC, 1932-33; free lance bookjacket designer, Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1934-35; designer, Decorative Utilities Corp, Newark, NJ, 1934-40; free lance illustrator & designer, Berland Printing Co., New York, 1935-39.