Saturday, April 23, 2011

Heaven, much more than a place

"I have found my Heaven on earth, because Heaven is God and God is in my heart." (Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity)

"Contrary to some more literal notions of God, the Godhead dwells within the depths of our inner lives, our subjectivity. So said Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity, a mid-twentieth-century Carmelite nun. Equally so, we dwell within the Divine subjectivity. We experience a mutual indwelling in each other. Heaven is much more than a place; it is the utter reality of God. If we are united with the Godhead in this life--the truest definition of the mystical experience--then we are already in Heaven. Let us enter Heaven aright through the realization of God's presence in us."

Quoted from {The Mystic Hours] by Wayne Teasdale, p. 3 [New World Library, Novato, California]. Brother Wayne Teasdale is a lay monk who combines the traditions of Christianity and Hinduism.

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