Monday, April 2, 2018

Metanoia - turn toward the light

Origin and Etymology of metanoia
Greek, from metanoiein to change one’s mind, repent, from meta- + noein to think, from nous mind

Metanoia. Greek, literally meaning “change of mind”. Yet the full meaning is somewhat more. In the New Testament, the word metanoia is often translated as “repentance”.

But this kind of repentance is not about regret or guilt or shame; it implies making a decision to turn around, to face a new direction.

Taking Back Christianity From The Religious Right--Jay Parini

"The narrowness and hypocrisy of the Christian right upsets me, as I’m myself a Christian.  That my faith has been miserably sideswiped by this particular eighteen-wheeler is disconcerting; but I sense that their movement has begun to burn out.  Certainly the statistics bear this out. The religious right is waning, and fewer and fewer young people belong to any religion at all.  The vast majority of my parent’s generation, the so-called Silent Generation, identified as Christians: 85 percent.  Just over half of Millennials do." Click on the link below to read more:

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