Sunday, January 27, 2019


I missed the last family reunion with these folks. The trip to Nazareth was just too far, and I’ve gotten old and lost interest in traveling long distances. In truth, I was never really close to this branch of my family.
Photo from jesus story dot net

My roots are European—a thorough mix of cultures. And then throw in the whole matter of being born from a line of people, some of whom sailed from England to settle in the Virginia Colony in the middle 1600s, making their way to North Carolina, then Alabama, and finally to east Texas over a 200-year period. Others who followed the route of the French Acadians through Nova Scotia and down to Louisiana. And yet others who sailed to Galveston to settle around Houston, Texas, just before and right at the close of the American Civil War that redefined our great land, paving the way for further greatness. I haven’t lost sight of that one teacher who grew up in Nazareth, however. He taught us so much, and is still teaching. The problem, though, so many who claim to be his followers are mis-using his words, indeed ignoring his words. They have departed from his ways.

*>My DNA statistics from ancestry dot com<*

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