Friday, March 30, 2018

A moral compass

Slice it how you want. This is clear. Religious and political statements intended to promote distrust, intolerance, ignorance, anger, hate, divisiveness or violence are contrary to the moral underpinnings of the universe.

Balance and harmony, as represented
in a traditional Two Grey Hills weaving.
Navajo, circa 1980
Regardless of one's faith path--and according to is the faith path of 70+% of the United States, anyone who espouses attitudes and behavior that promote distrust, intolerance, ignorance, anger, hate, divisiveness, or violence, is behaving contrary to the teachings of the person on whom the New Testament is based and the very same person, these people espouse to follow. One of the terms for this behavior is hypocrisy. Regardless of one's religious or non-religious leanings, the universe operates on a moral compass. This holds true for all religions, whether they be across the world or specific to certain cultures and regions. In traditional Native American belief and practice, "internal harmony and balance allows individuals to be at peace with their bodies, their thoughts, their emotions."

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