These yard signs are a common sight
in Albuquerque neighborhoods. |
The world is filled with accomplished, caring people who did not grow up in so-called traditional homes. Countless homes are absent of fathers, or mothers, or suitable fathers or mothers, and brilliant, wonderful people have emerged from these homes. I think more likely the causes of societal problems are judgmental attitudes, tribalism, intolerance, divisiveness, greed, indifference, selfishness, anger and hate. And more, if you choose to add to this list. None of us has to look far to see one or more of these as a part of our lives in some way. Any time we get in someone's face, for real or imagined, put our foot on the neck of someone who is already down, judge ourselves to be better or more worthy than someone else, actively behave to separate ourselves and others from those we deem different or undeserving...well, I think the picture is clear enough.
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